We Increase access to safe water and basic sanitation for the community.
Cost Per Unit
- Cost of deep wells: € 8.000 - 10.000 (30% of all is planned to be constructed).
- Cost of shallow wells: € 3.000 - 5.000 (50% of all is planned to be constructed).
- Cost of spring wells: € 1.000 - 1.500 (20% of all is planned to be constructed).
- Cost average: € 5000.
- Planning and building wells.
- Forming water users committee and train them.
- Hand pump mechanics and spring well mansions capacity building.
- Implementing the VSLA concept for WASH sustainability.
- Promoting the planting of trees around water points.
- Encouraging contour, mulching and other agricultural practice that increases soil water retention and percolation around water points.
- Rainwater harvesting cost effective technologies promotion within the local communities.
- Constructed one (ca. 250- 500 people direct beneficial in the village).
- Cost effective technology introduction (1.000 USD) - manual by hand.
- Increased the access to clean water and basic sanitation.
- Improved health.
- Improved hygienic practice and awareness.
- Training of 78 people on water source functionality.
Our Strategy
- Build 10 wells in 2023.