I Decide

We educate young women and men for social cultural negative norm change to avoid for example early child marriage and early pregnancy.

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I Earn A Living

We educate young women and men for better professional skills to make a living.

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We are the Green Horizon

we envision many opportunities for economic growth and achieving sustainable development goals, especially ecological sustainability, improved livelihoods and ending hunger through the sustainable use of natural resources.

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We Get Help

We Increase access to safe water and basic sanitation for the community with the help of donors and volunteers.

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About Us

We promote transformational and sustainable development for the youth and other vulnerable people in Uganda through involving, supporting and integrating their contribution in determining their destiny.

Community Development Shield Uganda formerly “Bala Youth Forum” is a youth led and youth focused organization. Its mandate is to involve different development stakeholders in perusing transformational and sustainable development for the youth and other vulnerable people by involving, supporting and integrating their contribution in determining their destiny. The organization strives also to promote practical oriented basic skills with a view of helping youth, women and children create their mass of skills to survive in a globalized environment and increasingly knowledge-based economy.

Its formation was out of deep aspiration by a group of young, committed, active citizens and passionate graduate youth to give back to the community, create a social positive impact and do an action at home by responding to the plights of the most vulnerable groups of people. The organization main aim is to support the integration, inclusion, involvement and empowerment of the underprivileged, vulnerable, underserved and disadvantaged youth and women in communities into the development paradigm shift and give everyone a choice for access to - and utilization of available resources. The idea to form the organization is also attributed to the need to realize and achieve the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) at community level.

Our Mission

To contribute towards socio-economic transformation and enhance quality of life for all.

Our Vision

A transformed Community characterized by improved livelihoods, peace and justice.

Our Core Values

  • Accountability and transparency
  • Equity and Justice
  • Commitment to excellence and professionalism
  • Creativity & innovation
  • Team work and Voluntarism
  • Respect for Humanity and dignity

Our Strength

  • Community based and good understanding of the necessaries of the people .all the staff are coming from within the locality
  • We are the only sound indigenous community based organization in our sub county. Other NGOs ( most of the are foreign), have little local connections and do not have a base here
  • Registered official NGO in Uganda (which is for local NGOs very difficult) and has a physical address
  • CDS Uganda is no affiliate of an EU or US organization (all donated money goes directly to the CDS Uganda)
  • Good connection to communities, police and other stakeholders like chief of the district etc
  • We designed for all our programs very good educational tools
  • Human centered design approach
  • Have experience in running the programs and do the accounting and controlling
  • Financial management is audited every year by external auditors
  • Have experience to convince other organizations to give their money for funding
  • Part of other network organization (part of network NGOs in Uganda) like Uganda National NGO Forum
  • Well-designed organization with clearly described job description of each position in CDS Uganda

Our Programs

Our organization attains its goals through engaging in the following programs.

I Decide

We educate young women and men for social cultural negative norm change to avoid for example early child marriage and early pregnancy.

I Earn A Living

We educate young women and men for better professional skills to make a living.

We are the Green Horizon

we envision many opportunities for economic growth and achieving sustainable development goals, especially ecological sustainability, improved livelihoods and ending hunger through the sustainable use of natural resources.

We Get Help

We Increase access to safe water and basic sanitation for the community with the help of donors and volunteers.

Our Partners

We are working with;

S/N Partner Project Title Year Funding (UGX) Comment
01 Plan International I decide 2018-2025 637,000,000 My Body My Future program
02 Hilden Charitable Fund Help Local Communities Sustain water point functionality 2023-2024 38,078,147 WASH project
03 Wind Wood Millers Limited Increasing Income and Creating Job Opportunities for Youth In cassava Value Chain 2022-2024 7,869,000 Youth in Cassava project
04 US Mission Uganda Construction of 5 protected spring well 2022-2023 10,280,000 Ambassador Self Help Program
05 UK Online Giving Foundation Administrative Support 2023-date 1,230,713 Benevity Causaes
06 MTN Foundation Construction of 7 protected spring well 2023-2024 19,800,000 Change Makers Program
07 Labdoo ICT for rural youth 2022-2023 9,000,000 Provided 9 laptops and ongoing
08 US Embassy in Uganda SRHR Themed water point 2023-2024 37,746,000 PEPFAR
09 Cross Roads International Canada Scholar for Social Change 2023-2026 Personnel Support MasterCard funded program
10 National Coalition of Human rights Defenders Uganda Capacity Building on Human rights 2022 and ongoing 1,655,000 Paid up member of the coalition
11 African Germany Youth Office Networking Workshop in Rwanda 2022 and ongoing 3,700,000 Facilitated Air travel expense and flights to Ghana and Rwanda
12 Eventure Establishing renewable energy Shop 2022 and ongoing 7,000,000 Well established energy shop
13 Uganda National NGO Forum Capacity Building / Network Membership 2022 and ongoing Capacity Building Support We are registered paid up member
14 Tool with the mission Skills development 2023-2024 In kind Donation In-kind donation of sewing machine
15 The Pollination Project Construction of hand dug well 2019 3,500,000 Daily grant
16 Lango Civil Society Network Capacity Building 2020 and ongoing 4,300,000 Paid up member
17 Private Sector Foundation Uganda Training 34 youth on the production of modern passion fruits 2017-2018 70,000,000 Skills development Facility program
18 Senior Expert Service Devt of strategic Plan 2022 7,400,000 Expert Program
19 All the Sky Foundation Training 50 women on the production of charcoal briquette and hair dressing 2022-2024 7,000,000 Skilling project
20 Sustain for Life Training 50 youth in water point repair 2024 44,000,000 Skilling project
21 Cultural Survival Indigenous climate smart agriculture 2024 25,860,900 Keepers of the Earth Fund

Support Us

Help us in the transformational and sustainable development for the youth and other vulnerable people in Uganda by donating to us to facilitate our ongoing programs.


Take part in the transformational and sustainable development for the youth and other vulnerable people.


Volunteer Online

Community Development Shield Uganda is running active fundraising drive on given gain website and is looking for online Fundraisers who will plan and oversee campaigns and events to raise money and other kinds of donations for an organization. They ensure that campaigns are effective by sharing the campaign links with wider audience through different channels but not limited to social media. They will also design promotional materials and increase awareness of the organizations work, goals, and financial needs.

Show Interest
Contribute towards the ongoing projects;
Donate To Computer Center Establishment Donate To Protected Spring Well Construction


Our hardworking team.

Ogole Oscar

Executive Director

Aceng Fiona

Project Officer

Akao Linda

Project Officer

Achola Oliver

Project officer

Elyak Badru Issa

Champion of Change Facilitator

Atine Lamzie Kalifa

Champion of Change Facilitator

Auma Sandra

Front Desk Officer

Adongo Siddy

Direct Sales Agent

Odongo Daniel

Accounts Assistant

Adango Jennifer

Peer Navigator

Amongi Brenda

Gender Office

Acheles Amuhogwe

Program Officer

Douglas Otoo

M&E Officer


What they are saying about us

I was saving and digging gardens to earn living though very young and an orphan. Am now 22 years old and an orphan who lost a father at a young age living with my mother plus 2 sisters and 3 brothers, and am the elder girl. Being among your fellow adolescents open your eyes to see beyond your current condition. Thank you so much CDS Uganda for your efforts in making my life better.

Adongo Delis


My name is Mercy, I am 16 years old and I come from a family of 8 children, before I joined the project, I was staying at home with my elder sister who supports someone in his business. I wanted to learn hands on skills but there was no money to pay for training. Am so grateful for the skills I have attained from CDS Uganda because now I can cater for my well-being.

Akello Mercy


Before I joined the project, I was staying at home with my baby and parents after I conceived when I was 14 years in school given the situation that the boy who got me pregnant disappeared and left me at our home , it was a very difficult experience for me after disappointing my parents. I had no hope in life because I was always ashamed of meeting with my friends and schoolmates because they were always looking smart and younger than me. I was able to escape all that trauma because of the wonderfull and beneficial programs at CDS Uganda.

Akello Teddy Ruth


The reasons why I became involved in the project was for me to be able to interact with other people other than just the family members. I have participated in the trainings, co-curricular activities, giving support to the members and nonmembers inform of giving advice to them. Learning to embrace new nothings opens ways and avenues for one to learn and express his or herself better.

Aketch Kevine


Self-esteem to speak up about matters arising in the society, creating good relationship with others in the community, knowledge in conflict resolution, sexual and reproductive rights and the ability to interact with others in the community motivated me to join the project.

Ongu Ambrose Oscar


I am trained in sanitary pads making and tailoring through this organization's programs, initially I was involving in farming and household chores that I concentrated in most of the time although I had always admired to have the skill of making clothes and having my own machine and enough skills.

Ayo Fiona


I was saving and digging gardens to earn living though very young and an orphan. Am now 22 years old and an orphan who lost a father at a young age living with my mother plus 2 sisters and 3 brothers, and am the elder girl. Being among your fellow adolescents open your eyes to see beyond your current condition. Thank you so much CDS Uganda for your efforts in making my life better.

Adongo Delis


My name is Mercy, I am 16 years old and I come from a family of 8 children, before I joined the project, I was staying at home with my elder sister who supports someone in his business. I wanted to learn hands on skills but there was no money to pay for training. Am so grateful for the skills I have attained from CDS Uganda because now I can cater for my well-being.

Akello Mercy


Before I joined the project, I was staying at home with my baby and parents after I conceived when I was 14 years in school given the situation that the boy who got me pregnant disappeared and left me at our home , it was a very difficult experience for me after disappointing my parents. I had no hope in life because I was always ashamed of meeting with my friends and schoolmates because they were always looking smart and younger than me. I was able to escape all that trauma because of the wonderfull and beneficial programs at CDS Uganda.

Akello Teddy Ruth


The reasons why I became involved in the project was for me to be able to interact with other people other than just the family members. I have participated in the trainings, co-curricular activities, giving support to the members and nonmembers inform of giving advice to them. Learning to embrace new nothings opens ways and avenues for one to learn and express his or herself better.

Aketch Kevine


Self-esteem to speak up about matters arising in the society, creating good relationship with others in the community, knowledge in conflict resolution, sexual and reproductive rights and the ability to interact with others in the community motivated me to join the project.

Ongu Ambrose Oscar


I am trained in sanitary pads making and tailoring through this organization's programs, initially I was involving in farming and household chores that I concentrated in most of the time although I had always admired to have the skill of making clothes and having my own machine and enough skills.

Ayo Fiona


Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us


Western Ward B, Bala Town Council

Kole District, Northern Uganda


+256 755 192978


+256 779 472527

2023 Audit Report